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01/09/2025 03:35:40 PM


Rabbi Chayva Lehrman

Both the Am Tikvah Retreat and South Africa trip with Rabbi Danny and Ricki have been fantastic successes! I am thrilled that everyone found their experiences to be refreshing, exciting, and meaningful. As the South Africa trip wraps up today, we wish all the travelers a safe and easy trip home.

On the retreat, we had a happy coincidence that our scholar in residence, Dr. Marc Dollinger, is also the Chair of the Board for Camp Newman and shared stories that fostered a feeling of being hosted in a communal home. One example: there is a room called Ruben’s Living Room, a comfy hangout space named after the long-time Executive Director of Camp Newman. One could easily miss the mezuzah on the door, but Marc Dollinger shared how he had given it to Ruben, who affixed it to his door at camp. Ninety percent of Camp Newman’s buildings burned down in the 2017 Tubbs Fire, and little remained of Ruben’s house…except this mezuzah, scorched and broken among the rubble.

It was a tragic coincidence to return from a summer camp that rose from the ashes only to see our friends and family evacuated from wildfires in Los Angeles. Local leaders have made calls for help, and we must answer their call, for as Leviticus 19:16 tells us, “Do not stand by the blood of your neighbor.”

Here are some organizations I recommend:

We will stay alert for ways to help Pasadena Jewish Temple & Center, Kehillat Israel in Pacific Palisades, and other Jewish communities who are both giving and receiving much-needed help. If you are praying for those affected by the fire, I offer you this prayer by Joanne Fink.

Finally, please make sure that your go kits are up to date. There are many online resources of what to include, and here is one from Ready.Gov and one from the Red Cross. Be safe and be well.

Thu, March 6 2025 6 Adar 5785