Help us reach 100% participation!
It's a Mitzvah! Annual Fund 5785
Please join the members of Am Tikvah in supporting our Annual Giving Campaign, It’s A Mitzvah! This year, we aim for every member of our community to participate. Every contribution, no matter the size, is meaningful and deeply appreciated!
Torah teaches us that in the time of Moses, it was incumbent upon every Israelite to offer something to build the Communal Tent: And everyone who excelled in ability and everyone whose spirit moved him came, bringing to the Lord his offering for the work of the Tent of Meeting… (Ex.35:21) The Lord spoke to Moses, saying, Tell the Israelites to take an offering for Me; take My offering from all whose heart moves them to give. (Ex.25:1-2)
Our community is full of individuals and families with exceptional abilities and generous hearts. Here are some of their sentiments in their own words:
I love Am Tikvah because of YOU – our wonderful community – diverse, supportive, and giving. I love Am Tikvah because of Rabbi Chayva’s beautiful smile and caring, intelligent, rabbinic, and pastoral leadership. AND I love Am Tikvah because of our helpful, caring, and efficient office staff. - Bonnie
My life is enriched by all the services, events, and learning that Am Tikvah has to offer. We need to do our best to fund and support a broad spectrum of activities so congregants can continue to enjoy the synagogue. – Victoria
We love the temple because it is always warm and accepting here. I always walk away with a lot of positivity and gratitude. It has been such a wonderful place for our kids to grow up and make friends. – Yelena
Please add your voice to our Annual Campaign, It’s A Mitzvah! Click this link to share what Am Tikvah means to you and how you knew Am Tikvah was the place for you.