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Shavuot Death Over Dinner (hybrid)

Wednesday, June 12, 2024 6 Sivan 5784

7:00 PM - 9:00 PMSocial Hall

The way we die — who we grieve, how we want to be remembered, and  what happens after we die — is probably the most important conversation Americans aren’t having. Join Rabbi Chyava and local end of life doula, Dr. Donna Edwards Neumark, as they  guide us in a reflective conversation over a potluck dinner. Zoom participants will enjoy their small group conversations in breakout groups.

Appetizers (if your last names begin A-E)
Salads (if your last names begin F-J)
Main dishes (if your last names begin K-P )
Side dishes (if your last names begin Q-U)
Desserts (if your last names begin V-Z)

Please register below and let us know what you're bringing so that we can plan accordingly.

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Wed, February 5 2025 7 Shevat 5785